#Chemistry, #SolutionChem, Chemistry Demonstrations
Category - #SolutionChem
Solutions, Solutes, Solvents, strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, non-electrolytes, and more. Learn from award-winning teacher Jon Bergmann. This...
How do chemists measure the concentration of solutions? How do you make up an actual solution with a specific concentration using a volumetric flask...
Learn how to make and calculate dilutions in a chemistry class. Learn from award-winning teacher Jon Bergmann. This is video 5 in Mr...
How do you do solution concentration problems? It all comes down to the moles. Learn from award-winning teacher Jon Bergmann. This is video 8 in Mr...
Learn how to calculate freezing point depression and boiling point elevation problems. Learn from award-winning teacher Jon Bergmann. This is video 7...